We camped last weekend at Mayfield Lake. We were with a group of dogs who were kind enough to bring all of their owners. The dogs run and play. We had a couple puppies there and all sizes. Here are a few pictures.
This is Puck showing Nico who is boss.
Here are Biggles and Nico.
Sandy, Nico and Biggles.
Puck and Sophie. There were more dogs there, but these were the ones who we played with.
This was the most challenging cork screw that I have ever encountered. Kudos to Ron and Dave for getting the bottle open, notice I didn’t say figuring it out. We definitely achieved corkage. We also ate really well. We had biscuits and gravy with a hashbrown casserole, fajitas & margaritas, a sausage hash with eggs, tri-tip roast with coleslaw and corn on the cob and then breakfast sandwiches on Monday. We ate well and it was all greatly appreciated. It is really a neat system with this group. Everyone is in charge of a meal, you choose what you want to make and then you are done cooking for the rest of the weekend. It is so much fun and the variety is fantastic.
I know Steve and I had a great time and look forward to the next time.
Now, that sounds like fun, escpecially the eating part!
Have fun again this weekend!
I love camping at Mayfield Lake! It has been a while, but it is a beautiful spot. My family uses that same meal system when we get together in Central Oregon. It works very well!
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